Webinar training for MINEA
In 2022, one-hour webinars will be held for the new programme version MINEA Linear and MINEA Nichtlinear, which will be announced via the newsletter and on the website. The webinars are free to attend and will be recorded as videos. The videos will be made available on this website and will serve as a supplement to the help as support forworking successfully with MINEA. You can access the videos online at any time.
Webinar 1: FRILO + MINEA Efficient analysis and design of masonry buildings
The webinar introduces an holistic OPEN BIM workflow for the analysis and design of masonry buildings based on the coupling of MINEA to FRILO. At first, a masonry building modeled in Allplan is transfered into the FRILO software using the BIM Connector®. Then the model is prepared for structural calculations according to the requirements for a structural analysis model and transferred to FRILO's Building Model GEO program. There, the load cases as well as loads are added and the load transfer for the entire structure is determined. In order to subsequently calculate and design the masonry building with a 3D calculation model, the building data are transferred from FRILO to MINEA via the open source file format SAF. The MINEA software is sepcialised for the design of simple and complex masonry buildings as well as masonry buildings in mixed construction with reinforced concrete under vertical and horizontal loads due to earthquakes and wind. The new interface between FRILO and MINEA enables structural engineers to achieve a new dimension of efficiency and time savings in the structural verification of masonry buildings as the advantages of both software solutions are combined and maximized in a meaningful way.
The joint webinar of SDA-engineering GmbH and FRILO Software GmbH with the speakers Thomas Kubalski and Christoph Butenweg (SDA) and Manuel Walter and Florian Ringguth (FRILO) is available on YouTube: Seminar-MINEA-FRILO.
Webinar 2: Modern masonry buildings successfully verified for earthquakes
Today, modern masonry buildings must meet the architectural requirements for transparency and user flexibility, while at the same time being optimally and sustainably designed in terms of statics, energy, and sound and fire protection. This requires the transition from a traditionally highly simplified verification approach to detailed computational models of masonry buildings with an improved utilization of structural load bearing reserves under horizontal actions from wind and earthquakes. In the webinar, the fundamentals of new verification concepts and their integration into an effective OPEN-BIM workflow for the calculation and design of masonry buildings will be presented with practical examples.
The webinar was held as part of the FRILO&Friends format and is available on YouTube: Seminar-FRILO&Friends: Seminar-FRILO&Friends.
Webinar 3: Simplified seismic design according to DIN EN 1998-1/NA-2021
According to the new National Application Document DIN EN 1998/NA-2021, a computational verification for seismically loaded masonry buildings can be dispensed if the design regulations for "simple masonry structures" are met. These include general requirements for masonry building materials, compliance with the criteria for earthquake-resistant design and structural requirements for the layout of the floor plan and elevation. In addition, minimum shear wall areas must be fulfilled, which must be determined as a function of seismic action, number of full stories, and brick strength class.
During the webinar, the main principles of the simplified earthquake verification and the new earthquake hazard maps for Germany will first be briefly presented. Subsequently, the application of the verification concept with the software MINEA will be demonstrated for practical examples. With the examples the fast and effective implementation will be illustrated, but also the application limits of the simplified verification will be shown.
The recording of the webinar is available on YouTube: MINEA Webinar 3
Webinar 4: Computational verification with 2D calculation models
The webinar presents the computational verification for regular masonry buildings under vertical and horizontal actions from wind and earthquake based on the current Eurocode with 2D computational models. After a short presentation of the calculation basics with different model approaches, the application of the software MINEA will be demonstrated for a practical example. In the first step, the system input, the definition of actions and the choice of wall materials are explained. In addition to the use of standard masonry, the use of approval products is also presented. Thereafter various calculation options, the presentation and interpretation of the calculation results and the comprehensible printout as a verifiable structural analysis are explained. The seminar concludes with tips and recommendations for successful verification of masonry buildings with 2D calculation models. An important aspect of the seminar is the automated approach of the frame action through the floor slabs, which provides significantly better verification options compared to the traditional cantilever model.
The recording of the webinar is available on YouTube: MINEA Webinar 4
Webinar 5: Computational verification with 3D calculation models
The webinar presents the computational verification of irregular masonry structures under vertical and horizontal actions from wind and earthquakes with 3D computational models based on the current Eurocodes. After a short presentation of the calculation principles with different modeling approaches, the application with the software MINEA will be demonstrated for a practical example. In the first step, the system set-up, the definition of actions and the choice of wall materials are explained. In addition to the use of standard masonry, the use of approval products is also presented. Thereafter the presentation and interpretation of extensive 3D calculation results and the comprehensible printout as a verifiable structural analysis are explained. The webinar will conclude with tips and recommendations for successful verification of masonry buildings with 3D calculation models.
The recording of the webinar is available on YouTube: MINEA Webinar 5
Webinar 6: Current regulations for the seismic design of masonry structures
In Germany, masonry is generally designed using the Eurocode series of standards. Earthquake design was previously excluded from this. However, the national annex to DIN EN 1998 was recently published, so that this Eurocode will presumably also become valid for building supervision purposes with one of the next revisions of the model administrative regulation on technical building regulations and replace DIN 4149. This new design standard is accompanied by a number of changes that affect both the action side and the resistance side of the ultimate limit state design for the earthquake load case.
During the event series Digitale DAfM-Feierabendseminare, the current rules for earthquake design of masonry will be presented and the main changes compared to the status quo will be highlighted. In addition, the application of the new rules will be illustrated by means of design examples and practical tips will be given so that the verification is successful. Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to ask questions about the seismic design of masonry.
The recording of the webinar is available on YouTube: DAfM-Feierabendseminar